Friday 6 March 2015

Planning teaching and learning process.

This research aimed to find-out and also reveal a descriptive view about the research based instruction model in the teaching Islamic education seminar at the Indonesia University of Education. Among the aspect of research was the planning process. It was revealed that the planning process consisted of five steps, which included: modification of the syllabus, modification the course units, establishing and determining the time framework, designed student assignments and learning activities and preparation of other support equipments and materials. Schunk (2012) noted that teaching and learning emphasize various factors as important elements in acquiring skills, strategies and behaviors, while Abdulhak (2000) states that before the instruction takes place, there is a process starting from: setting learning objectives, preparing learning materials, recruiting human resource, determining the time, and also facility. Tafsir (2004) and Asyafah (2014) mentions that there are several steps that can be taken during the instruction process; among such steps are instructional objectives, entering behavior, instructional procedure, and performance Assessment. This implies that the planning is an important component before the teaching and learning process.
Preparing a syllabus is a major activity during the planning of teaching process. A syllabus works as an overview about a given subject. To teach Islamic education, there are seven points to note while developing a syllabus: course identification, objectives of the course, content description or outline, determining the learning process, evaluation procedure, breaking down the course materials and providing references. Teaching is can be categorised into two: the method of teaching and learning theory and practice, and also the method of grouping the learning activities. It means that if learning is to take place a syllabus should be developed.
A course unit is a small element in the syllabus or groupings of the course content based on the objectives. It is more detailed and aims to serve students at each meeting. It is comprised of the learning content and learning materials during each meeting. Course units in Islamic education seminar course are different from those of courses in regard to content method of delivery.


Allah says in :Qur'an

“O you who believe, when the call for the Salat has been announced on the day of Jummah (Friday), you shall hasten to the commemoration of God, and drop all business. This is better for you, if you only knew.” 62:9 

“Once the Salat is completed, intashiru (spread out) through the land and seek God's bounties, and remember God frequently, so that you may succeed.” 62:10

 "But when they saw a transaction or a diversion, [O Muhammad], they rushed to it and left you standing. Say, "What is with Allah is better than diversion and than a transaction, and Allah is the best of providers." 62:11

Ayat in Urdu

Sunday 1 March 2015


                                Human Journey

The Greatest Journey

The genes of people today tell of our ancestors' trek out of Africa to the far corners of the globe.

By James Shreeve
Photograph by Raghubir Singh

Everyone cherishes a decent story, and when its done, this will be the best one ever told. It starts in Africa with a gathering of seeker gatherers, maybe simply a couple of hundred in number. It closes approximately after 200,000 years with their six and an a large portion of billion relatives spread over the Earth, living in peace or at war, having confidence in a thousand separate gods or none whatsoever, their countenances aglow in the light of open air fires and PC screens. 

In the middle of is a sprawling adventure of survival, development, segregation, and success, a large portion of it unfolding in the quiet of ancient times. Who were those first advanced individuals in Africa? What urged a band of their relatives to leave their home landmass as meager as 50,000 years prior and venture into Eurasia? What courses did they take? Did they interbreed with prior individuals from the human family along the way? At the point when and how did people first achieve the Americas?